5miles is a mature US local e-commerce platform headquartered in Dallas, TX; established in 2014, high DAU(Daily Active User) and good reputation, secured transactions to protect the interests of both buyers and merchants.
Dash Channel has a much higher user repeat purchase rate than other e-commerce B2C markets.
A starting price as low as $1, incentivizing the users to bid for the order. Therefore, merchants can get a bigger premium with high traffic volume at peak hours. Merchants also can set their own starting price and get more purchases.
The Dash channel takes the most prominent position in the app, displaying products in large pictures with high resolution and clear details and intuitive and practical functions.
Auctions are automatically streamed. Our strong technology and big data expertise allow best-sellers screening and accurate pushes.
- 5miles professional business operation team and merchant support system can help you boost your sales in an efficient way.
- Product details are displayed by high resolution and vivid photos as well as videos. The features are easy to use and accommodate users’ needs.
- 5miles have good user protection and retain buyers with a great reputation, bringing in loyal users.
- Low-priced auction mode, incentivizing users to bid and place orders.
- Products that get no-bid are automatically passed. Powerful big data expertise supports best-selling products screening and accurate pushes.
Early-Comer Benefits for Merchants
- At the initial stage, the merchants will get a huge traffic dividend and share the existing major users and orders.
- One-on-one professional merchant training and support, allowing the merchant to grow and flourish together with 5miles.
- Your products get special key categories of traffic support.
- 5miles after-sales customer service assistance, the most friendly after-sales service.
Can you please call me 817-994 - 5124
Yo compre cosas en Dash y nada más sequedad cn mi dinero xk no me an mandado el producto k compre ni me an regresado mi dinero es un robo eso d Dash
Yo compre cosas en Dash y nada más sequedad cn mi dinero xk no me an mandado el producto k compre ni me an regresado mi dinero es un robo eso d Dash
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