Sales of counterfeit items are prohibited. All sellers are required to provide accurate descriptions of items. 5miles Dash is a Marketplace connecting trustworthy buyers and sellers. Sellers must provide accurate information about every item; However, if you discover a listing has been misrepresented in any way, please contact Customer Service.
If you are concerned about the authenticity of an item purchased on 5miles Dash, please be sure to follow these steps to request a refund and ensure appropriate action is taken:
- Visit Profile—Bid order--Completed
- Click the order
- Click Customer Service
- Submit a request with the issue description and pictures of proof.
Appropriate seller penalties will be imposed if an item is found to be not authentic. Once requested, nothing further is required from you to ensure this process.
K Emma i
Everything I have purchased on this dash has either came broken or missing the most important piece that u cannot use with out I'm so unhappy with this site in will never use again waste of time and hard earned money
Hard earned u get a refund buddy sometime in life u have to be chill and always stay truthful
Do you so far everything I've gone to his crap
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