After you've chatted with seller/buyer on 5miles, you can leave a rating to let other customers know about your experience. No matter you made a transaction or not.
How to leave a rating?
To leave a rating for a buyer/seller, open the conversation window and click 'Rate'.
From there, you can select a 3 rating and leave any comments in the text box below.
Remember to click Send when you're done!
How to check the ratings?
Want to check the detail of one's ratings? Just go to his Profile>Level, like the following pic:
The rating system
The ratings have 3 level, positive(+1) /neutral(+0) / negative(-1). The ratings will be calculated into user's level. Users with higher level are more popular in 5miles.
*Note: A user's rating will only count once and if they choose to rate you multiple times, only the last rating given will be counted.
Ratings you given to the seller/buyer should be focused on your trading experience:
- How satisfied were you with how your order was packaged and shipped? (for products)
- How were the work quality and professionalism of the provider? (for services)
- Did you get good customer service and prompt resolution? (if applicable)
- Would you buy from this seller again?
- What could have been improved about your experience?
I like this app.
I loved it...5miles...😘
I loved it...5miles...😘
Good app
The rating system should be open to parties in an actual transaction. Imagine if I left a review for every flake or person who doesn't bother to respond as quickly as I feel they should --some never respond at all. How does leaving a review for every nice attest to their buying or selling ethic?The feedback system would have more credibility if it was attached to an actual sale or purchase. As simple as the rating procedure is, many find it confusing and without merit. That being said, this is my favorite app. Offerup good and letgo is just okay.
Idk but this app is going down at first I like it but now all these changes are making making people delete the app
Poke leave negative reviews for unneeesarry
My case was a seller was very pushing and insisting to buy the item i back up on buy in the item at the last min and she gave my a negative review how can I get rid of that whe I feel I didn't do nothing wrong I was list in the area dark and she was she was insisting to much in me to get there any way I like to see how can I ditch my rating not fair at all that I have only that negative with a rating of 88 when I been nice to everyone else as you can see ty much
Good 5miles
80 % bs losers in here so far
I think 5 miles was better on the begging when it first came out. Now for reviews I really think people should have to approve the review before posting on automatically. Old 5 miles please come back stop updating!! Please STOP!. LEAVE IT HOW IT WAS. Don't fix it if it's not broken. Now they are trying to be like some other apps. Please rewind to the begging of 2016 an leave it that way. Thanks
5 miles had asked me to remove my pets for sale but yet I still see other pets for sale 5 miles should have everyone remove all pets for sale not just pic and choose across the board,not fair
Not good at all
Also I have been harassed by people that didn't even want to buy on first place, very low class
I am on the fence with the rating thing. Although it seems fair that all people get to leave a rating, only b/c it keeps sellers fair & nice (even to lowballers) lol although it is annoying to be lowballers, it is equally annoying when someone offers to buy, then NEVER responds! Why should they be able to rate a buyer? Anyways, I agree that the app seems to get worse with each update! As a seller, I liked being able to see how many people liked my item & who they were! It help me decide if I was going to change the price on an item or better pic, etc. With that being said, it is also what made 5 miles BETTER than other apps like this! You were able to kinda see who ppl were before you met up with them, or let them come to your home. It kept people safer!! Please bring that back!! Thanks
I am on the fence with the rating thing. Although it seems fair that all people get to leave a rating, only b/c it keeps sellers fair & nice (even to lowballers) lol although it is annoying to be lowballers, it is equally annoying when someone offers to buy, then NEVER responds! Why should they be able to rate a buyer? Anyways, I agree that the app seems to get worse with each update! As a seller, I liked being able to see how many people liked my item & who they were! It help me decide if I was going to change the price on an item or better pic, etc. With that being said, it is also what made 5 miles BETTER than other apps like this! You were able to kinda see who ppl were before you met up with them, or let them come to your home. It kept people safer!! Please bring that back!! Thanks
Ppl i have to things for sell i am running out of time i have to come up with my 10 year olds cancer meds plz show ppl my things ty
Ppl i have to things for sell i am running out of time i have to come up with my 10 year olds cancer meds plz show ppl my things ty
I love 5mile and hope my untrue rating from someone i didnt like the price and size was wrong but he tried to get me to buy hisused ugly too big for me boots and i didnt but im picking up from 4 to 6 other buyers. Im frugle aka low baller and yes we are annoying but ya dont know if ya dont ask and when they say all over it! I shoot for free or almost free and ppl are so warm and friendly.keep up the fantastic work 5 mile cuz this lowballer/ seller loves playin the game!
Good transaction
I had a very bad experience with a seller, so I left a bad review. He then made a review on me that was filled with lies, then had a friend of his contact me about some filters and IMMEDIATELY wrote a fake bad review saying I wasted her gas and time trying to sell her broken filters. This was pretty much the same review I gave her friend except he tried to sell me 3 broken projectors. All she asked was "Is this item still available?" and as soon as I said yes, she gives me the bad review full of lies. I would like both these reviews removed as they are lies and the act of shady, vindictive people.
Very nice guy deserves your prayers also will definitely be doing business in the future ....Shane
Very nice guy deserves your prayers also will definitely be doing business in the future ....Shane
Very nice guy
Good app
5 star
Excellent 👍 but I have to wait to long like 1 month it's okay ty
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