How to calculate the rating levels?




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    You asked me to cancel one item because the picture are the same you are wright but spesificaton are different one is2200 and another one is 4000 unit please release the item thank you.

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    Ya, I don't really like this only because I had a 100% until I gave a buyer a bad review and said they flaked! They gave me a bad review because of that. But at least I was able to reply back why I did that. If I'm giving you my address and time, and you flake. Yea I'm not going to be happy about it......It's a two way street!!

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    2nd Chances

    And how do I have only 19 points when I have 67 100% perfect ratings. Agree with everything everyone has already said as well. I'm totally getting ripped off with my past hard work. Not happy at all. Another reason not to use this app.

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    I agree with everyone else here. I don't like your new rating system. Change it back to the 5 star rating system. This black and white system does not give a clear picture if someone is reliable or not. 

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    Melanie Granillo

    Here what I am wondering about... it says that we will have more buyers by upgrading our "rating level". Ok, this I understand....

    Then it says that our rating level is based upon the number of reviews we receive. This I can comprehend also...

    Here is where my comprehension ends. What if the buyer does NOT rate? In the first Example photo above it shows 9 Ratings but 88 items sold...

    How does our rating level reflect a true measurement when buyers have the option to rate or not?!?

    If I sold items to 5 buyers and only 3 rated me, I'd expect my rating level to reflect 5 sales... :/

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    The new rating system is not fair...I've been working really hard to build my page...And it seems as though all the sellers that been on 5 miles the longest will automatically have a higher rate!!!!!!!!! And you can't go higher without reviews, I've sold several things and the buyer did not review it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go back to the old rating system. It was fine, if it ain't broke don't fix it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    The new rating system is not fair...I've been working really hard to build my page...And it seems as though all the sellers that been on 5 miles the longest will automatically have a higher rate!!!!!!!!! And you can't go higher without reviews, I've sold several things and the buyer did not review it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go back to the old rating system. It was fine, if it ain't broke don't fix it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    The new rating system is not fair...I've been working really hard to build my page...And it seems as though all the sellers that been on 5 miles the longest will automatically have a higher rate!!!!!!!!! And you can't go higher without reviews, I've sold several things and the buyer did not review it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go back to the old rating system. It was fine, if it ain't broke don't fix it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    New rating system sucks balls.

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    First of all this new rating system is horrid. Thats not my problem. Ive contacted you guys NUMEROUS times about being sold Counterfeit items, receiving threats from other users and a handful of other MAJOR ITEMS. No one ever responds. Im glad this public thread is here for everyone to read, so real users can see the nonsense. However, chances are, I'm using my valueable time just as everyone is, to write this notice to you all and i will probably get nothing in return and you'll likely disregard the complaints regarding the new rating system. STOP changing things on the app that really serve no purpose and pay attention to your users comments and concerns. You are paid based on our downloads and we deserve better attention and service to our matters. Im hoping im the only one thats experienced these things and you all dont regularly practice ignoring everyone else. 🖕🖕🖕

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    Alana Walker

    The new rating system stinks!!

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    Alana Walker

    The new rating system stinks!!

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    The new Rating system is NOT Good

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    Ricky G

    All my ratings are good and you say I have one negative. I don't get it

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    No bueno!

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    2nd Chances

    So this piece of crap new system sucks even more than I originally thought. I have 67 perfect 5 star reviews but only get credit for 19 cuz a person can only review u once. So it means absolutely nothing that I have a following of loyal repeat buyers. Actually it does mean something - I'm being punished for that fact. And if they buy more than 1 item I'm being punished for that too. This is TOTAL BS. Whatever idiot thought this was a good idea should be fired. Tired of wasting my time with this lame app-the lamest of the 4 I use. No reason to stick around when good sellers/buyers are not valued. Over it!!!

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    2nd Chances

    I'm not done, too pissed off. So the next time 1 of my repeat customers wants to buy something--what am I supposed to do???? Say sorry I can't sell to u cuz ur review won't count. Brilliant, real brilliant, u all are a bunch of morons!

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    Terrible rating system change. The worst part of it is not allowing repeat customers to rate more than once and only counting the last rating. Very unfair not only to existing sellers but also new sellers. Will definitely cause the app to become less popular. I haven't spoken to a single customer who likes it. Go back to the old system

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    Lazaro Bravo

    Old system please!!!

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    I agree with Christine, and everyone else, I don't like this at all..and it's really confusing..I don't understand it, and a simple thumbs up is just so boring, compared to 5 stars..I have busted my butt here on this app to, cause I love what I do..and I want to make people happy..please change it back..thank u...kat

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    I Agree ,I Love the 5 star Ratings ...This Thumbs up Rating system Really Annoys me ..I feel like I'm playing a video game trying to get to the Next Level . Smh ..please fix it back to Normal 5 stars .Thank you.

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    I agree with the rest of the app users saying that the 5 star system is much better as well as more fair. I've been selling quite a while now and had a 5 star rating myself, not easy to do as we all know how some buyers can be. CHANGE IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Another thing, I would not have updated my app had I known this prior. This is indeed pretty messed up to be a gentlemen about it.

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    Listen to your user and change it back!

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    First you change the way boosting works - yeah, fellow sellers! - only new listings ACTUALLY get boosted - older listings just get 'lifted' - found my older stuff 116 pages back! So I'm already feeling like I (and all of you) are being defrauded by not being told about this change in how boosting works - now I'm also feeling punished for being a good seller because only good ratings from new users affect my profile rating! Do you administrators want the app to fail by pushing all your established sellers away? Cause that is what your doing! Bad move on your part. Without sellers - this app doesn't exist. Hope whoever thought of this lame rating system gets fired or has to - at least - give back whatever he/she was paid!

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    The rating system is another Big Fail. Why, oh WHY (!!) can't you leave well enough alone???? Have you sold out to someone and don't give a crap about your users anymore? You are constantly making changes that DO NOT HELP. Pease, please STOP.

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    I think I might go back to offer up and let go, then the sitter and deal with this rating, unreal

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    I meant to say to sit here and deal with the ratings go back to the stars, it was better than.

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    Mary S

    I don't see any advantage to this new rating system... looks like I'm not the only one that sees a ton of 'cons' and not any 'pros' to this new frustrating system.
    Please scrap this and go back to the old way of ratings.

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