If a cancellation is submitted before the shipment is made, the seller should agree to the cancellation in order for 5miles to refund the money to the buyer. If the seller insists on shipping the package, you have the right to refuse shipment. You can then submit a Refund/Return request. If the seller refuses to refund your money, you can submit a request in the Help Center or write to support@5milesapp.com.
One exception:
If the seller has shipped the item but has not indicated so, this order is considered shipped. Thus, you cannot refuse delivery and will be held responsible for any potential issues.
Thank you for trying can you please tell the seller that I will refuse shipment and I canceled within an hour and I will no longer purchase from this company. I will check further if I have any orders shipped by this company I will not purchase any further items from this company and will request a refund when shipment comes in thank you possibly this shipper is not doing things legally
Cancel membership
How long does it take to get your money back on canceled items
No xancel bottun at all. Wat is going on ????
I want you cancel my order thank you
Cancel my order
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