If your payment fails:
Verify that you entered your credit card information exactly as it appears on your card (including the card number, expiration date and the 3 or 4-digit code from the back of the card) and attempt to process the payment again. Be sure to enter the correct credit card billing address or zip/postal code if asked. If there are any errors, typos, or the billing address doesn’t match with the card, the payment will not go through.
If your card is declined:
This decline is produced by your card-issuing bank. If you have questions, Please contact your bank directly.
If you are trying to use a pre-paid debit card:
Prepaid and gift cards from major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are accepted as long as the cards are registered with a billing and mailing address. To learn more about registering your card, visit the website on the back of the card or call the toll-free number found there.
I won ..i check out and don't let me get my payment my info is there
I got the same problems all my info was right and tried so many times
I won but it won't take my card every other one has gone thru dont understand
I win the prize and it wont take my card because it is already in use with my fiancee's account. We both use the card. I have not been able to purchase any of my wins because of this issue. Not only that, it makes me look bad as if I am not wanting to pay. That is our only Mastercard debit that we use. Is there any solution other than combining accounts.
I win the prize and it wont take my card because it is already in use with my fiancee's account. We both use the card. I have not been able to purchase any of my wins because of this issue. Not only that, it makes me look bad as if I am not wanting to pay. That is our only Mastercard debit that we use. Is there any solution other than combining accounts.
It took my PayPal card the first few times but now it wont.
Man This is ridiculous 5mile you better solve this or your going to lose a buyer and seller!! It’s f**ked up how sometimes it accepts my payments and sometimes it doesn’t. It’s like the system does it on purpose because it sees that the item that is properly worth 25 and I’m getting it for 10 automatically declines my payment
I have money it won't let me put my card in again
I won a bid item and it won't let me pay. I already have my bank card # in the system but I get a message from 5miles saying "my card is being used on another account". VERY FRUSTRATING.
I've won and it's not letting me pay ??? And when I look it don't show anyitems left unpaid?? So not sure why it's doing this I've ran my card earlier today on here and it acepted it just fine and now it's not even showing I need to pay ??
I cant get to page to even put in more info to pay for item for app freezing up took me twenty min to mess
Wtf it won’t take my card!!!! Says it’s already added!!!
Is there anyone who actually helps with issues on the app like an admin or something I havnt found any way to deal with someone about issues my card info is right on my card except the address because I moved and I cant figure out how to edit the card info and it wont let me re add it with new address says its already active so I use my wifes card make 2 purchases get declined for the 3rd for no reason other than this app has horrible programming and dosnt function properly most of the time
I got up entering payment info but it kept saying to enter zip code which I did over and over, still wouldn’t except it. I really wanted this item
Same issue here!! I'm deleting this app..
I would like to know why I made my payment , but still receiving notification to pay...
Cancel a item won because of learning to bid
It says to enter a new card. I do. It then tells my it cannot accept my card because I have USED IT PREVIOUSLY to make a purchase ON THIS SITE! Well, OF COURSE I DID, YOU MORONIC ROBOT! You expect me to use a DIFFERENT CARD every time I WIN? If indeed it STORED the card I last used, someone has to TELL THE SITE! ALL I AM TRYING TO DO IS PAY FOR MY ITEM WITH THE ONLY CARD I OWN! What is WRONG with you people?
You have not stored my card. You tell me to “add a new card”. I add the one and only card I have. You REJECT IT because I have USED IT BEFORE! Are you INSANE?
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