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    Sheryl Songy

    Shouldnt there be a summary of each. Order order I place and I can go back and get information about the orders I've placed.and what us the procedure I need. To take to track my orders I havntt recieved

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    Sheryl Songy

    Shouldnt there be a summary of each. Order order I place and I can go back and get information about the orders I've placed.and what us the procedure I need. To take to track my orders I havntt recieved

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    Hi Sheryl!

    To track your orders on the dash auction, Please go to Me> Tap dash orders> here you can see your Unpaid, In Progress, Completed. 

    I hope this help. If you have more question please contact us at or submit a ticket in 5miles app in this way: Profile--Settings--Support/Leave Feedback.

    We’re here for you!

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    Mary Ann

    I place an order for a YES hair remover. I only wanted one and I think I placed 2
    I need to cancel one. How do I do that.

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