A temporary bidding restriction occurs when buyers have too many cancelled orders within a short period of time.
This block is designed to ensure that items are being bid on by buyers intentionally with the desire to complete the purchase, as all bids on 5miles Dash are considered legitimate offers.
How blocking works:
- Buyers who have reached the maximum threshold of cancelled orders in relation to total purchases will be blocked from bidding for 24 hours.
- Buyers who have reached the maximum threshold of cancelled orders in relation to total purchases a second time will be blocked from bidding for 1 week.
- Buyers who have reached the maximum threshold of cancelled orders in relation to total purchases each subsequent time will be blocked from bidding for 1 month.
If a bidding block has taken place, a notice on the account will indicate when bidding may resume.
If you believe the block was placed in error, please contact Customer Service.
Buyers have up to 24 hours to pay for items or the order will be automatically canceled.
How long am I blocked for
I have not cancelled any order nor have any payments pending, however My dash board has been blocked. Who can help me fix this?
Please un block me
I'm sorry I didn't know
I would love to purchase my things
I'm new to 5 mile I didn't know anything about a block
Please help me get my credit card issue fixed it keeps saying failed
So what I have to do I don’t understand nothing
This is stupid why am I blocked and all my coins gone!!!!!!
So can you help me or not
I canceled my order because I could not figure out how to input the correct size of the shoe maybe if the site was easier to use. Now I’m block me please!!!
Birthday learning about this app and I’m already blocked research fir
For you do anything
I'm still waiting for you to buy it's not the $ share
I'm been blocked for months, how can I be able to but things again?
I bid on a car dash DVD , I won it, I pay for it ($14.00) .I just received a note that told me: the order is canceled. How am I going to have my money back?
I cancelled a couple of items for legitimate reasons but i comparison i have purchased more than i have cancelled i enjoy this app but i find it frustrating to have my ability to bid and potentially make further purchases cancelled because of a couple cancelled orders seems bit extreme and unfair
What I paid for it
I have 3 more in total 18 orders
I have like 15 order has been canceled
That’s resin no body bays from your gays
Whay has canceled my order
How do I pay for my purchase??
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