If you find a mistake in the shipping address or contact info after you've paid for an order, here are some steps you can take to resolve the issue:
- Order status: Awaiting Seller to Ship
Please contact your seller with an in-app message to revise the mistake. Keep the chat log in case of dispute. If the seller does not reply, you can choose to cancel this order.
- Order status: Waiting for delivery
Contact the seller to see if they can have the courier reroute the item to the correct address. Keep the chat log in case of dispute. If the seller does not reply, try contacting the courier directly.
Im very frustrated with this app!!!!!I cannot read any of my replies
I need help
You have my address wrong
How do I leave a message for my seller
My order is markedreceived, while is still missing or is in transit. I lost my money just like that. After several attempts to find out what going on, 5miles couldn't explain why they marked my package delivered and the tracking number showed me it still didn't.
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